Python If-Else Condition Structure - The Advantages of Learning Python Programming for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide


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Monday, December 5, 2022

Python If-Else Condition Structure


Hello friends, in this article, we will see how to use the if-else condition in Python. If the result boolean value returns true in the if condition, the code block inside the condition is executed. If the condition returns false, the code structure under else is executed. Now let's examine the If-Else condition with a simple example below.








Figure 1

select = int(input("Lutfen 1-3 arasindaki islemi secip entere tiklayiniz..Enter Your Choice(1-3)"))


if select==1:


    print("The first action is selected")


elif select==2: 


    print("The second action is selected")


elif select==3:


    print("The third action is selected")




    print("Invalid operation!")


We have come to the end of this article. See you in our next article. Happy coding. Bahadir Sahin

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